not a nice day for a ferry ride
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
but i had a good time on vashon. had lunch at a pub called the red bicycle. my body was craving salad. the cobb salad was amazing!
just to remind me what it was like growing up there, there power was out for a few hours while i was there. it had been really windy, i am sure that was why. my friend kathy and i huddled in front of her woodstove and chatted! lu the cat went into one of those cat comas - an adaptation to get through power outages i am sure. or boredom. or whatever goes through those tiny cat brains. oh, and i may have done a frosting shot. i am sure that is what the pioneers did when they were trying to keep warm.
kathy decided to give me a black christmas - i was surprised! a stuffed raven, hematite beads, wonderfully soft black bamboo yarn, and a black felted bracelet she made!
then on the way to the ferry we had a near miss with a deer. in an odd place, i thought. kathy it turns out is a stunt driver, there was a car in front of us in the oncoming lane, a car behind us, and a deer in our lane. and yet she missed them all!
so. that was my little adventure!