Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Watercolor - Flowers & leaves

Flowers & leaves by megan_n_smith_99
Flowers & leaves, a photo by megan_n_smith_99 on Flickr.

I said I would be back to watercolor soon, and today was the day. i usually like to finish one drawing or painting before i start another, but this time i left a pen & ink drawing incomplete, so I hope I get back to that soon, too.

I am not 100% what is unfolding here, but some sort of homage to autumn, the harvest, and unfurling. I started out thinking i'd be using mostly mustard, brown, and dark shadowy violet, but as is usual my Quinacridone paints wanted to be represented and so i've added more bright red, purples, and oranges as well. the background still has a moody, musty autumny feel, like fallen leaves on the forest floor, leaving their forms and colors behind until they reappear in another time, another place.

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