Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
Now, if you look close, there is a pewter bunny hiding here!
I remember Easter on the farm. My sister and I each had pet bunnies. She had 2 grey bunnies named Angela and Opal, and I had a white bunny named Soapy -- young children being so creative in the naming department -- and a grey and brown bunny named Charlie. Charlie was my particular favorite. They were angora bunnies, so much careful brushing was required. I used to like to let Charlie hop around the yard a bit. He absolutely adored dandelions -- even more than carrots - and no one minds having a dandelion destroyer about the lawn, don't you know?
I seem to remember my mother always giving us watercolor paint-boxes in our Easter baskets. Maybe this only happened once or twice, I don't know, but I seem to remember it vividly!
Also being sent out to find where the free-range hens were hiding their eggs that week. You'd locate a cache of maybe 10--15 eggs, laid by several hens over some unknown length of time.. you probably would not eat those, not knowing how old they were, but you'd take them away. the hens, being among God's most intelligent creations, would continue to lay their for a while and you'd collect their eggs daily. Eventually they would realize someone was stealing their eggs and they'd find a new spot and you'd repeat the whole process. Our hens laid brown eggs. The one time of the year when my mother would buy eggs at the store was Easter, because white eggs dye much better than brown eggs!
Some hens lay colored eggs, light blue and green and so on. I always wanted to get some of those chickens! As I recall we had Rhode Island Reds.
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