march beaded journal house
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
i managed to get the march beaded journal house done in 1 weekend. good thing because i put it off till the end..
when i was a child on vashon island, there was a clearing near my house where a house had once stood. it was over run with bluebells this time of year.
Don't you miss those bluebells? We have bulbs coming up here in Denver, now, but I can't tell whether they are our tulips or daffodils. Saturday night Deb was barbecuing, and asked, what's that in the air? It looked like blossoms or something for a minute but nothing was in bloom and soon we realized it was snow. It did, considerately, stay off the roads and sidewalks, but we still have some in our yard. Hope you had a good Easter!
Another beautiful piece, megan...
you know, i don't really know how -- if it is possible-- to reply to individual messages!
marti, yes i miss the bluebells all the time! especially this time of year. it's my main association with spring, i think, that riot of bluebells.
bobbi-- thanks! a little different, but i like it!
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