Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
welcome to autumn. i am afraid it is off to a dim start for me, as i've been sick for a week and particularly over the weekend. i am going to stay home in bed today and hope i mend up soon. all i've done this weekend is lie in bed or on the couch and listen to audio books and read and draw in my sketch book journal. i will scan some more of that later. at least i have my sketch book companion, but times like these i wish i had someone to bring me soup. i did manage to do the dishes and 2 loads of laundry last night, which was a monumental and long overdue achievement. go me
Hi Megan,
Hope you feel better soon! I, myself, just got over e-coli, which I got from a restaurant. Didn't know I had anything other than a virus for the first 4 days. Sick as a dog, and it was monumental just to get to the bathroom. If it wasn't for my 5 & 9-yr-old boys, I'd have shriveled away from dehydration.
Anyways, I feel your pain. Sure gets boring after a while, but you're too sick to do much. I was too sick to draw!
that sounds awful! i am glad you had some help -- even if it was your kids, sounds like they did their best to take care of you! i hope you are all 3 well now!
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