april beaded house
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
this is my april beaded house so far. another piece inspired by my childhood island home. this piece incorporates shells and shell beads, some i collected myself on northwest shores, and small pieces of driftwood i collected. also seed beads and a copper starfish charm.
Have you thought yet about how to display them all?
i would love to frame each in a small shadowbox frame. however, to do that for any sort of reasonable price i would need to find something not custom.. something commercial that would work. otherwise it could get really expensive! so i guess i am still working that out!
thank you!
I love your web sites.i purchased a doll from you,she makes me smile i love it.Sorry for your familys loss.and on top of losing a pet.my heart feels for you. thank you for sharing pics of your home-studio.its so nice.i hope your fallout with friends isnt serious wishing you the best.- kim steven.meyer2@comcast.net
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