Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
happy earth day. it is, so far anyway, clear and sunny. while i was walking to work a guy on his bike, from the sierra club, stopped me and gave me a little envelope that said "thank you for bikinh, bussing, or walking to work today!" inside were lots of coupons, for espresso, bus coupons for 2 local transit systems, etc. definately coupons i will use. it was kind of cool. anyway, it is earth day, and i love the idea of that, so i am going to try to have a good day today -- the last week has been a bit rocky. (i did not mention that in addition to my grandfather dying, my cat dangermouse was hit by a car and died. and then there was a falling out with my main social group, so all in all it has been a bit bleak. but today is earth day and it is beautiful out... so!)
Hey, I love your story about the Sierra Club guy. Way to go! Myself, I spent several hours today on a 767. A much-less environmentally responsible mode of travel, huh?
Awesome artiness. I love green and blue together, so soothing.
amieslee: thank you, they are some of my favorites, too.
marti: well, glad you got there safe. i need to call you!
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