leaf light kimono finished
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
it has been a rough few weeks and i have not felt much like blogging. but i do want to show you my kimono, which i finished. the pattern is by Jane Thornley, but it's more of a recipe, a lot of it is improv. i used mostly silk and merino, mostly by string theory and alchemy and curious creek. i love the color combinations. it looks crooked here but that's just how i have my shoulder cocked, charmingly i am sure. i found the skirt i am wearing in this photo the day after i finished the kimono, and an import shop so I thought I should buy it. (The store is called Istanbul Imports, but I think they import from various parts of the Middle East and Central Asia.) I loved the Kimono so much that I cast on another in autumn colors.
I have some watercolor to show you in the next few days, too.
Life has been stressful. We had a flood at work 3 weeks ago. We spent a couple weeks deconstructing damaged areas and this week just started the 1st baby steps of reconstructing. I hurt my back sometime during the crazy moving out process. possibly by sometime next week I will be able to move back to my desk. I've been sharing a former closet with 4 other people and it's been hectic. Thank goodness for my iPhone, since I have not had a phone and for a couple days had limited access to a computer. I am not one of those people who thrives under pressure.
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