Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
so, once upon a time before i started working in "the arts" as those of us in "the arts" like to call it, i had every intention of being a paleontologist, maybe a paleoclimatologist, someone who studies ancient climates. that might sound very archaic and outdated but frankly i think our only hope of understanding how our own actions are changing the climate and what that means is to study how climate has changed in the past. computer models can only predict so much. but the earth has been warmer before, and sea level has been higher before. why, the Mediterranean Sea was once a desert and the Arctic was once tropical. Whatever changes we can imagine, they have probably happened in the distant past.
well, anyway, i digressed. i was meaning to talk about paleontology, or the study of past life. this is a triceratops i drew back in 2007. And I wanted to tell you about this wonderful show that is at the Burke Museum in Seattle. I have not gone yet but I hope I make it this weekend. It's Ray Troll's art and fossils from the Burke Museum collection. it should be great. I love Ray Troll, I have all his books. He's an amazing artist and combines art and science if really fun ways.
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