nurse log
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
it has been a tasty last few days. on thursday jesse and i went to his sister's house for thanksgiving with his parents. i felt quite spoiled because there were 2 of us there who don't eat gluten and there were gluten free rolls, pie, and stuffing! it was excellent.
on friday we had another lovely thanksgiving feast at my parent's house. before hand we went to West Hylebos Wetlands park. I want to go back and see more, and go when there are more birds and animals about. this is a teensy little nurselog! West Hylebos is also the site of 2 historic cabins. one of them was Arthur Denny's real estate office and used to be in downtown Seattle. Those of you from Seattle are probably familiar with the name Arthur Denny, as he was one of the founders of the city.