it's good to sometimes do things that you aren't very good at. that you don't have a natural talent for, and that you need to work at. for one thing it builds character. and if you only ever did things you were good at, life would be pretty limiting. but once you get out of school it's easy to not try new things unless you think you'll already be good at them. or to immediately drop anything you try that does not come easily. and, if you are a teacher like i am, it is good to study something you are not gifted at because i think it makes you a better teacher.
anyway, this is what i told myself when i studied violin as an adult for.. what was it, 5 years? i still do play occasionally but not as often as i should. and it's what i am telling myself now -- because i am taking tribal belly dancing classes.
last night was my 2nd class and i can say i had more fun than the first class, and that i felt less inept than i felt at the 1st class, but this is certainly not something that comes naturally to me. you'd think that as a woman i would know how to shimmy my hips, but apparently not, because i am working at that. and using a few muscles i did not know i had and am pretty sure i have never used for anything in my life.
but, it's good for me, i keep reminding myself, to get some exercise, and to do something challenging. and besides, what's not to like about a form of exercise that comes with a good costume? my belly dancing belt came in the mail yesterday and now i go:
jing jing jing.
jing jing jing.