i also got a new painting! this is not the best picture, and i have not decided where to put it yet. right now it is sitting on my shelf next to some of my beaded sculptures. it just spoke to me -- in spanish apparently, a language i don't speak, but sometimes you do not need words. (the phrase does not translate very well but bridgette said it means something like yesterday is a tree of long memory and was inspired by neruda.) i think my visit to her studio and some dylan thomas i was reading last night have inspired me too, though it has not crystalized yet.

today i did some chores and worked on my february beaded house. now this is what i would call wishful thinking. last month's house was about winter and my desire to hibernate. this month i still want to hibernate and feel dragged down by winter, but i am thinking of spring.

Now what are the odds of two artists both using the same fabric in the same month?
We just did!
really? it does not really match my beads very well but it just felt like the one to use! i got it from equilter. i am afraid i have enough hoarded batiks to last a lifetime.
i just looked at yours.. yours i like the face you used! and i like your beaded vessel.
well, the match is not as important in your piece, since you usually bead "wall to wall" (awesome!) and leave very little of the fabric showing.
fabulous--i can't wait to see the finished piece!
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