dream time swirls
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
thank goodness i am starting to feel more myself. and we have some lovely fall weather - for a few days anyway - a prelude to a deluge i believe. last night i came home and curled up with a cup of cocoa and worked on some drawings. this particular little painting is from last week, but i wanted to share it with you. i love using orange / fuchsia and purple together. i am using a different paper this week and i love it -ARCHES Watercolor Paper Pack, Natural White, 140lb, Hot Press. I thought I had used this exact paper before but maybe not, or maybe the blocks are a bit different than the sheets.. or maybe I was using Cold Press before, I don't know but I love this paper. It's sort of like painting on velvet - well, not REALLY like painting on velvet, not like dogs playing poker on velvet, or Elvis on velvet, but it's very velvety and lush
anyhow, the painting shown here, Dream Time Swirls, which is on some Strathmore watercolor paper, is also available on