Monday, June 30, 2008
for the enlightenment of my several readers, including my mother
1) on the louisa harding dress, marie, i am knitting the back. i have finished the 64 row lace repeat at the bottom. it'll probably be a breeze from here on up! then i need to do the front and the sleeves.
2) the violin is all sanded and cleaned and ready to go. now i need to settle down and work on it. sometime when i am not just wanting to go out and enjoy the sun instead...
3) june is almost over and i have not finished my may beaded house -- the last of the 12. i really need to do that.
4) as always i have a list of things i want to draw and/or paint. i just do what i can. though this time of year i just want to lie around and read in the sun. don't worry, ma, i have sunblock, sunglasses, and a hat.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
greenwood car show

greenwood car show
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
today i went to the greenwood car show, in support of my mad-scientist friend audin, pictured here with his 1980 citicar. which is a tiny little electric car. audin completely dismantled and rebuilt it. he just got it together-enough for the car show yesterday, with it's snazzy new paint job.
then i walked home, er.. the yarn store you know, it actually WAS on my way. i mean i had to walk right past it. according to mapquest my walk home was only 3.4 miles, but my little ankles think it was farther. i was wearing moccasins. they are so comfy, but i guess the indians did not walk on pavement. mother earth is kinder. and i have these willowy little, frankly insufficient, ankles.
anyhow. lots of cars. i am not a car person, but it's hard not to appreciate some of the beautiful and interesting cars i saw today, so browse my flickr stream if you are into that sort of thing.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
another rhino!

Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
another rhino! don't say you don't love them, because i know you do! trundling along like over-adorned tanks. only, you know, without the guns and all.
"Adorned Rhino"
5.5 x 7.5"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
violin painting stage 1

violin painting stage 1
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
i sat out on my balcony this evening and spent an hour listening to violin music and sanding....
this is a 3/4 violin made in germany between 1891 and WWII. it is, i think, boxwood with a maple back and rosewood fingerboard. it is not worth saving as a violin -- don't worry, i discussed this with a professional -- so i am preparing it as the base for a painting. i think i have at least another hour of sanding to go.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
a fondness for rhinos...

i have always had a certain fondness for rhinos, with their lumbering majesty.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
fremont solstice festival 2008

fremont solstice festival 2008
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
the fremont solstice festival is absolutely the craziest event in seattle. most of my pictures are of the parade. i went with my friend max, then later we met up with more friends, for lunch, coffee, and games. including a rousing game of apples to apples.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
happy summer!

Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
happy summer, everyone! i am off to the fremont solstice festival in a bit. it's a little hazy out, but it looks like it might shape up to be a nice day -- here's hoping anyway! i will probably have some festival pictures to share later!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
i finished another large watercolor -- much larger than i usually work! Ravenwood is 16x20"
Saturday, June 14, 2008
sketch journal

sketch journal
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
something else i worked on earlier this week. it is done in pitt pens, size S.
goodness, have been so tired the last couple days. i need to rouse myself to do something...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
roses and rolling hills

Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
if you are one of those people in places where it is really really hot, you might want to plan a trip to seattle. seattle, where i have recently been wearing gloves. and turtlenecks. and wool in all its many forms. yes, seattle. the land that summer forgot and the decades cannot improve. if it's freezing cool breezes you seek, you can't go wrong.
and anyhow, in case you were wondering, i am still using the same color scheme these days. this is another new little painting which is also in my etsy shop.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
dreaming in ink.

Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
i am behind on email -- sorry ! i will catch up. i tell you, this week, doing 4 people's jobs at work, it is draining. so all i have been doing in the evenings is drawing, doodling, in my sketch book. these are pitt pens, size S.
Monday, June 9, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
painter's vest

painter's vest
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
i need to enlist some help to get a better picture of this, but this is what i came up with in a few minutes using the timer on my camera. this is the finished Painter's Vest. The pattern is by Jane Thornley of
Monday, June 2, 2008
bison and mice!
majestic bison, watercolor and ink, 4x4":

mouse knight, watercolor and ink, 4x4":
i just love bison. well, and mice too, though i think the mouse fondness is a better known fact about me. i can't really imagine an animal more noble than a bison. they are so enormous and stately. if i saw one close up, i would want to run up to it and throw my arms around it, like lucy and susan do to aslan in the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. though i suppose the bison would probably attempt to gore me if i did that. but really they look so .. cuddly, and fierce, at the same time. i think this place, america, must have been a much finer place when they were great herds of bison roaming around.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
may beaded house

may beaded house
Originally uploaded by megan_n_smith_99
this really counts as my may beaded house because i started it on may 31st! this is the last of the series, which i began a year ago.
seed beads, brass charms, ceramic button, and watch gears.