i am still under the weather, actually my ibs is as bad as it gets now and i am pretty miserable and laid up. i have given up finishing the last present and cards -- they will have to wait. thank goodness my friend nusz came over to help with chores. he is cleaning the bathroom now. and i guess it is either a sign or how poorly i feel or of how long i have known him but i am not even embarassed to have him cleaning my bathroom.
i managed to rally a bit and do some holiday decorating before retiring back to the couch. i hope i am feeling better by monday, i have to work, but then i am off till the 2nd!
here are some photos of my decorations. a little wonky this year but good enough for me! the tree i made last year. it is stuffed. i made it from berber fleece. the ornaments are pinned on. i should have moved that black cord next to it.. that's for my sun-up light therapy light. anyhow, the tree has ornaments by me, faun bonewits, theresa hall, and my mother. i have some other neat ornaments hanging from the mantle, i shall show you those another day..

this is my little table. the mouse ornament is from my sister, my mother knit the little star he is sliding on, the beaded doll "Island Girl" is one of mine, and the 3 paintings in the background are by anna barrow.

you can see more, and see these in more detail, at my
flickr account .